Saturday, May 2, 2015

Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much. - Blaise Pascal

I often forget how powerful social media can be. When I started posting throwback pictures on FB and Instagram it was just for shits and giggles. I wanted to share this quirky, silly, fun loving person I am through various years of my life. I have a lot of comedy GOLD pictures like this priceless gem from when I was 8 years old. Holy nerd-love anyone? My face is so super jazzed over Nintendo birthday "I can't even"!

It has been SUPER fun for me to sift through picture after picture of myself and my family. I love seeing glimpses of my adult self in pictures of me when I was little.

(My friend from gradeschool was like "Someone is ready to tear up Coachella in this picture!")

It wasn't until I posted a picture from my high school days that something powerful happened. To say that I never had good self-esteem would be understating my view of myself when I was younger. Of course I have grown to love who I am and enjoy all of who I am in recent adult life but when I was younger it wasn't so easy. I still marched on to the beat of my own drum though. So I posted this picture for Throwback Thursday.

"TBT: 15 year old me is kind of cool. I would hang out with her!"

Then came so many positive comments, especially from those that I have probably known since 3rd grade and high school that it left me in shock. In tears even. People really liked this girl and still like this woman. People who haven't known me quite that long did think she was cool and wanted to hang with her in high school. It was a beautiful feeling. One that I am still cherishing as I type this. I pretty much think this is why I pushed through all those years to make it to become the person I am today. 

...because people believe in me. Thank you. 

Let's continue to be good to each other!

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