Monday, April 27, 2015

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” — Mary Lou Cook

Somewhere down the line in my artistic tinkerings I forgot the last part which is the most important part of doing anything that you love. If you are not having fun, if you are making it into something else entirely...then honestly why are you doing it? You aren't. Lesson learned for sure! I definitely needed to make art, well, art again for me. Something that flows imperfectly and differently from my fingertips. Imaginative, colorful, and something that peaks from inside of who I am, a creator and dreamer at heart. 

As I was hiking this weekend and breathing in the fresh pine trees and decomposing leaves I knew that I had to let go of myself right then and there. 

I knew this was my own chance to spring forward and "bloom" anew. Corny, yes, but it felt right. It felt like something inside of me wanted to be let free. I guess fresh mountain air has that unique quality to instantly draw that out in people! Thanks mountains. Thountains. 

I came back fresh and ready! It truly was a creativity miracle blessed my little heart and I now I see a clear path before me. So I am creating and I am NOT caring about what I am creating. I am just doing it to do it and to love it! It feels... so right!

 For the first time in a while my space is messy with paint and everything is coming out so easy. I am inspired and I am letting everything around me inspire me. I am excited! I can do this! I have some pretty awesome and supportive people in my life and because of that all of this is possible.

 (Nevermind the fact that Durango is clearly not having any of Dad's shit in this photo)

Here is to a healthy, creative, and loved filled week full of all the things that make our hearts sing! We can do it and we can inspire other people to do the things they love too. 


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